
Can't Get The User's Description or Summary

xXWilliamXx opened this issue · 2 comments

I can't find a way to retrieve the user's description (or Summary) on their profile.


I'm taking a look at the Steam API documentation and from what I can tell, there is no part of the public API that allows fetching that data.

If you have some documentation for grabbing that from the API, give me a link and I'll take a look.

I checked through:

If it's not part of the public API:

You may be able to accomplish this by:

  1. Grabbing the profile URL with steamapi
  2. Fetching that URL and grabbing just the portion you need with your library of choice.

Seems like only the (apparently deprecated) XML API offers this:

However, this project aims to just implement the new JSON-based "Web API", and I don't want to add abstraction endpoints for the older XML API. Though, if you need anything from it like summaries it seems simple enough: just add another by-steamid HTTP request to your code, basically querying the user's community URL with an extra ?xml=1.