
FIT3D smplx ground truth

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I am currently trying to visualize the SMPLX mesh with pyrender and trimesh.

Using default values (equal to 0), it works and takes more or less good poses, after that I experimented with fit3D ground truth values that are in the format [706, N, 3, 3] depending on the specific parameter.
For example, let's take body_pose [706, 21, 3, 3], let's not consider the 706 because it's related to the fact that it's a video so for each parameter we have 706 of them. To visualize the SMPLX object, it accepts a vector of dimensions [1, 63], I understand that 21x3=63 but I'm confused about the extra dimension or in general about how to work with the data effectively.

I just want to visualize the SMPLX mesh corresponding to the first frame for example

Thank you very much for the help

digging through this notebook should be a good example on how to read the GT smplx parameters, camera parameters, generate the mesh and render the mesh.