
Primary LanguageDockerfile



  • Based on jupyter/scipy-notebook
  • Additional libraries merged in from apt (apt.txt), then conda (environment.yml), then pip (requirements.txt)
  • Provides reasonably recent "latest" versions
  • Our Python environment is all in the base conda environment


cd swarm-dem
docker build . -t swarm-dev
docker run --rm -it -t swarm-dev bash
docker run --rm -it -p 8889:8889 -v XXXXX:/home/jovyan -t swarm-dev jupyter lab --port 8889

Direct from docker hub:

docker run --rm -it -p 8889:8889 -v XXXXX:/home/jovyan swarmdisc/swarm-dev jupyter lab --port 8889

Using singularity: (triggers a build and run of a SIF image)

singularity run docker://swarmdisc/swarm-dev jupyter lab --port 8889


  • Based on pangeo/base-image
    • Smarter(?) setup suitable for Pangeo Jupyter & Binder Hubs (+ Dask gateway), & Repo2Docker.
    • Better organisation around the conda environment, for reproducability (via conda-lock) & customisability
    • NB: pip packages specified in requirements.txt which are installed after the conda(-lock) packages, so break reproducability
  • Our Python environment is in the notebook conda environment, and managed in Jupyter with nb_conda_kernels
  • Things needing fortran compiler (e.g. apexpy) wouldn't work even though it is present in the conda (TBC...) - not yet installed
cd pangeo-swarm
# Update the lock with new packages
conda-lock -f environment.yml -p linux-64
# Build image
# - Uses `conda-linux-64.lock`, or, if not available, uses `environment.yml` directly
# - Uses requirements.txt for pip packages
docker build . -t pangeo-swarm
docker run --rm -it -t pangeo-swarm bash
docker run --rm -it -p 8890:8890 -v XXXXX:/home/jovyan -t pangeo-swarm jupyter lab --port 8890 --ip


A docker image to directly serve panel dashboards may not be necessary - just use a specific build of swarm-dev with a starting script (TBC).


  • Images:
    • Extend with more swarm/geomag/spacephys packages; track problems where they arise
    • Find and fix installation of compile-dependent packages in pangeo-swarm
    • See if it's reasonable to move to pangeo as a dependable base in general
    • Test & instructions for Singularity images with these as base - or will it motivate a rewrite for something more "singularity-native"?
    • Auto-building singularity images (on GH Actions & push to some registry; or through https://singularity-hub.org/)
  • Image building:
    • Use date-based tags
    • Rebuild latest on a schedule
  • Dashboards:
    • How to organise simultaneous production & staging deployments?
    • Options for how to serve to the world?
      • shared access to a common panel server (shared VirES auth)
      • through existing JHub (see jupyter-panel-proxy) - lose benefit of panel state caching