
API Changelog is an OpenAPI Specification Extension to define how and when an API changes

API Changelog - An OpenAPI Specification Extension for Evolving APIs

Status: Draft 02 (specification will likely change)

An OpenAPI document alone doesn't tell you what's been deployed. It doesn't say what's planned. It might say what's deprecated, but it doesn't say how long or when the functionality will be removed. We need something to help us here.

API Changelog is an OpenAPI Specification Extension for describing how and when your API will change. It's meant to capture plans and changes so you can generate changelogs, communicate future features to consumers, show what's been deployed to production, and improve the overall design process.

View changelog about this specification


There are additional resources for reading to go beyond the overview and specification below.

  • Design Considerations - a more in-depth look at why some of the decisions were made and how this extension is intended to be used
  • Example OpenAPI Document - a simple example of how this extension might be used
  • Use Cases - reasons as to why this extension might be useful to you and your team


The API Changelog extension focuses on the following areas of the OpenAPI document.

  1. OpenAPI Object
  2. Operation Object
  3. Parameter Object
  4. Schema Object

These are the main areas where an API can evolve. The changelog for the root OpenAPI Object can be used to express API-wide changes that may not be easily reflected in other changelog areas. Examples of changes at the root level might be deprecating a specific version of TLS, adding rate limiting or throttling, or expressing a general change that affects many operations. This specification doesn't force a specific kind of change, but rather gives shape and meaning to any kind of change an API may go through.

The different types of change are listed below. These changes can be used through the API lifecycle to not only communicate what changes, but the way in which it's changing.

  1. Initial - this is the initial design of the area in which the extension is found
  2. Modification - this is a change for an area that has already been deployed
  3. Deprecation - this is when an area is marked as deprecated
  4. Removal - this is when an area has been removed

Every change that is introduced can go through several states. This allows designers and developers to be able to not only look at an OpenAPI document and know what has or hasn't been deployed, but it also allows tooling to hide areas that are in the design phase. Tools would be able to build different versions of the OpenAPI document depending on the context—for the public, only deployed features. For internal teams, everything.

The states for these types of changes are:

  1. proposed - the change has been proposed to the stakeholders and is up for discussion
  2. accepted - the change has been accepted by the person or people with that responsibility
  3. development - the development team is working on implementing the change
  4. ready - the change is ready to be deployed
  5. deployed - the change has been deployed into production

All of these states are optional depending on the teams' workflows.


Field Name

The field name to use for the extension is x-changelog. This field can be used in the OpenAPI Object, Operation Object, Parameter Object, or Schema Object. The value of this field MUST be an Extension Object.


This shows a changelog embedded in an operation. Some of the information has been omitted for the sake of brevity.

  // ...
  "paths": {
    "/pets": {
      "get": {
        "operationId": "findPets",
        "x-changelog": { /* ... */ }

Extension Object

The Extension Object is the root object used to define API changes. It allows for embedding directly in the document or for external references by way of the $ref field. If it's external, it should follow all of the rules for $ref as defined in the OpenAPI specification.

  • One of
    • (object)
      • $ref - external reference to an Extension Object. The referenced structure MUST be an Extension Object.
    • (object)


  "version": "0.1",
  "changes": []

Changelog Objects

The section defines the various changes an API can go through.

Initial Change

An initial change is the first time a feature is proposed in an API description document. It is the first changelog item that should occur.

  • type: initial (string, fixed, required)
  • status: proposed, accepted, development, ready, deployed (enum, required)
  • title (string, optional)
  • description (string, optional) - description for the change in Markdown
  • announcement (string, optional) - public description of the change in Markdown
  • plannedDate (string, optional) - date in which the change will be deployed
  • activity (array[Activity Object])
  "type": "initial",
  "status": "accepted",
  "title": "Find customer operation",
  "description": "This change will introduce a new find customer operation",
  "plannedDate": "2019-06-10",
  "activity": [
      "statusChange": "proposed",
      "by": "smizell",
      "date": "2019-06-01"
      "statusChange": "accepted",
      "by": "smizell",
      "date": "2019-06-02"

Modification Change

Modification can occur in an API when an area of the design is changed. These modifications happen to existing features, so a modification MUST proceed an initial changelog for an area.

  • type: modification (string, fixed, required)
  • status: proposed, accepted, development, ready, deployed (enum, required)
  • title (string, optional)
  • description (string, optional) - description for the change in Markdown
  • announcement (string, optional) - public description of the change in Markdown
  • plannedDate (string, optional) - date in which the change will be deployed
  • breakingChange (boolean, optional) - specifies whether or not a change will be breaking
    • Default: false
  • activity (array[Activity Object])
  "type": "modification",
  "status": "proposed",
  "title": "Add email field for customers",
  "description": "This change adds the email address field for customers",
  "plannedDate": "2019-06-10",
  "activity": [
      "statusChange": "proposed",
      "by": "smizell",
      "date": "2019-06-01"

Deprecation Change

Areas of the document can be marked according to the OpenAPI specification as deprecated. This field is usually a boolean field. Using the API Changelog extension, API providers can include information about when and why a deprecation is happening. It can also be used as a way to generate information that can be used at runtime like Sunset HTTP Header.

  • type: deprecation (string, fixed, required)
  • status: proposed, accepted, development, ready, deployed (enum, required)
  • title (string, optional)
  • description (string, optional) - description for the change in Markdown
  • announcement (string, optional) - public description of the change in Markdown
  • plannedDate (string, optional) - date in which the change will be deployed
  • removalDate (string, optional) - date in which the area will be removed
  • breaking_change (boolean, optional) - specifies whether or not a change will be breaking
    • Default: false
  • activity (array[Activity Object])
  "type": "deprecation",
  "status": "proposed",
  "title": "Remove email field for customers",
  "description": "This change removes the email address field for customers",
  "plannedDate": "2019-06-10",
  "removalDate": "2020-06-10",
  "activity": [
      "statusChange": "proposed",
      "by": "smizell",
      "date": "2019-06-01"

Activity Object

The activity object is for capturing who changed a status and which it happened. This helps to create a trail of how an area has evolved over time.

  • statusChange: proposed, accepted, development, ready, deployed (enum, required)
  • by (string, optional) - an identifier for the person who made the status change
  • date (string, required) - date in which the activity happened


  "statusChange": "proposed",
  "by": "smizell",
  "date": "2019-06-01"

Conflict With Deprecated Field

The OpenAPI specification provides a deprecated field that can be used in various places throughout an API description document. The purpose of this API Changelog Extension is to augment that field rather than replace it.

However, there is a situation where a conflict may arise. If a changelog activity reflects a deprecation without setting this deprecated field, how should the tooling interpret it? The following suggestions are made:

  • If the tooling supports both the API Changelog Extension and the deprecated field, the tooling SHOULD consider the item deprecated
  • If the tooling does not support the API Changelog Extension, the tooling SHOULD rely on the deprecated field

These are suggestions. Tooling authors are free to handle the conflict however they choose.

About This Specification

This specification uses MSON as a way to describe the JSON for the specification extension. It also uses RFC 2119 to indicate requirements.