A nodejs Jabbr client
npm install njabbr
The Jabbr version must be specified either through the jabbrVersion setting
on JabbrClient options or the environment variable JABBR_VERSION
If the version is not set, the client will be spammed with outOfSync
messages from Jabbr.
var JabbrClient = require('njabbr').JabbrClient;
var JabbrClientEvents = require('njabbr').JabbrClientEvents;
var client = new JabbrClient("http://jabbr.url/", {jabbrVersion: "1.0.5420.15349"});
client.on(JabbrClientEvents.onMessageReceived, function(msg, room) {
client.connect("username", "password", function(task) {
console.log("You are now logged in");
client.joinRoom("SomeTestRoom", function() {
console.log("You have joined SomeTestRoom");
// speak robot speak!
client.say("Hey everyone!", "SomeTestRoom");
// logoff after 10 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);