
Ansible role to manage installation of OpenJDK / Oracle JDK 6, 7 and 8.

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Java Role

Build Status

Manages installation of Java JREs and JDKs. It supports both OpenJDK and Oracle JRE and JDK 6, 7 and 8. All of them are installed using the package manager.



Role Variables

The java_packages variable must be set to a list of the desired Java packages. For example:

  - openjdk-6-jdk
  - oracle-java7-installer

Debian / Ubuntu

Valid packages for Debian and Ubuntu are:

  • openjdk-6-jre
  • openjdk-6-jre-headless
  • openjdk-6-jdk
  • openjdk-7-jre
  • openjdk-7-jre-headless
  • openjdk-7-jdk
  • oracle-java6-installer
  • oracle-java7-installer
  • oracle-java8-installer

32bit Java may be installed on x86 platforms appending :i386 to the package name.

You can ensure that Oracle JDK is set as the default JDK by adding oracle-java6-set-default, oracle-java7-set-default or oracle-java6-set-default to the java\_packages list.


Valid packages for Fedora are:

  • java-1.7.0-openjdk
  • java-1.8.0-openjdk


Got this role working with a different distro? Please, report it on GitHub or drop me a line at santi@mola.io.



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: smola.java }


Copyright (c) Santiago M. Mola santi@mola.io

ansible-java-role is released under the terms of the MIT License.


Thanks to Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy) from whom I have borrowed some ideas from his ansible-java-role and Testing Ansible Roles with Travis CI on GitHub.