
Implementing a live directive

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to implement a live directive, which keeps the caller of the query up-to-date.
This is my current code, which does just resolve() with the directive.

const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
  directive @live on FIELD | FIELD_DEFINITION

  type Todo {
    text: String!
    completed: Boolean!

  type Query {
    allTodos: [Todo]! @live

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    allTodos() {
      return someTodoArray;

const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({

addDirectiveResolveFunctionsToSchema(executableSchema, {
  live(resolve) {
    return resolve();

How would I push new results to the caller with this approach?
Is there a way to get a reference to the caller to push new results?

@eljenso : Hi, please trying to use new feature in graphql-tools,

@giautm Thanks for the hint, will have a look.