
SmoothSail Node.js backend API server for feature flag management and SDK authentication.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SmoothSail Manager platform set up

How to run locally

Install the required prerequisites and then follow the steps below.


You'll need:

Run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/smooth-sail/smoothsail-manager.git
cd smoothsail-manager
npm install


Create a .env file with the following:


SECRET_KEY=<yoursecret> (Must be 32 chars)
  • PORT is the port the Manager will be running on
  • SDKKEYSDB and PGDATABASE should be the names of databases created on Postgres
  • replace anything that has <> with your own credentials
  • the SECRET_KEY will also need to be used for the SmoothSail SDK Service
  • if PGPORT is not set it will use default value of 5432
  • PGPASSWORD does not have to be set if you don't have a password
  • LOGLEVEL desired log level (examples: verbose, info, warn). If not specified, defaults to warn
  • NODE_ENV - set to test before running tests

Running SmoothSail Manager platform

Before running the Node.js application, it's essential to start the NATS server as a separate service. The NATS server is responsible for message routing and communication. :

nats-server -js -p <portnumber>

From the root of smoothsail-manager run the following command to start the manager:

npm run dev

The SmoothSail dashboard will be available at http://localhost:3000 (unless default port was changed)

You'll need the SDK Service in order to communicate feature flag data to consumer applications. If you haven't yet head on over there to get that running.

SmoothSail Manager platform API

SDK keys endpoints

Get current SDK Key

GET /key


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: sdkKey;

If no key exists in the database, it will create a new valid key.


Returns on error:

Status codes: 500

  error: error_message;

Invalidate existing SDK Key

POST /key



Invalidates any existing key



no body


Returns on success: returns a new valid key.

Status code: 200

  payload: sdkKey;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 500

  error: error_message;

Flag endpoints

Flag Object

  fKey: string,
  title: string,
  description: string,
  isActive: boolean,
  createdAt: dateTime,
  updatedAt: dateTime,

Get all flags

GET /api/flags



no body.


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

{ payload: [ flag1, flag2, flag3,  ] } // ASC order by date created


Returns on error:

Status codes: 500

  error: error_message;

Get a flag by a flag key

GET /api/flags/:fKey



no body.

fKey ⇒ feature flag key (an HTTP path parameter)


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: flag;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Create a new flag

POST /api/flags



  fKey: fKey,
  title: title,
  description: description


Returns on success:

Status code: 201

  payload: flag;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 400, 409, 500

  error: error_message;

Delete flag

DELETE /api/flags/:fKey



no body.

fKey ⇒ feature flag key (an HTTP path parameter)


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  message: "Flag successfully deleted.";


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Change the existing flag

PATCH /api/flags/:fKey



fKey ⇒ key of the feature flag (an HTTP path parameter)


	action:  action,
	payload: payload

Supported action types and expected payloads for that action type:

  • body update{ title, description }
  • toggle{ isActive: bool }
  • segment add{ sKey }
  • segment remove{ sKey }

where isActive is true or false (desired toggled stated).


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

Reply body for each action type:

body update

  payload: flag;


  payload: flag;

segment add

  payload: segment;

segment remove

  payload: {
    message: "Segment was successfully removed.";


Returns on error:

Status codes: 400, 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Segment endpoints

Segment Object

	sKey: string,
	title: string,
	description: string,
	rulesOperator: string,
	rules: [
			rKey: integer,
			aKey: string,
			type: 'boolean' || 'string' || 'number',
			operator: string,
			value: bool || string || number,

Get all segments

GET /api/segments



no body.

query params supported:

Possible query params: fKey to filter for a given flag. Example: /api/segments?fKey=flag-1


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

{ payload: [ seg1, seg2, seg3,  ] } // sorted by sKey value


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Get a segment by a segment key

GET /api/segments/:sKey


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: segment;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Creta new segment

POST /api/segments



  sKey: sKey,
  title: title,
  description: description,
  rulesOperator: rulesOperator

description is optional rulesOperator is optional (default will be used, default value is all) title must be unique value


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: segment;



Returns segment with empty rules array. To add rules, you need to create a segment first and then add a rule separately (see below)


Returns on error:

Status codes: 400, 409, 500

  error: error_message;

Delete segment

DELETE /api/segments/:sKey



no body.

sKey ⇒ key of the segment (an HTTP path parameter)


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  message: "Segment successfully deleted.";


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 409, 500

  error: error_message;

Change existing segment

PATCH /api/segments/:sKey



sKey ⇒ key of the feature flag (an HTTP path parameter)


	action: action,
	payload: payload

Supported action types and expected request body for that action type:

  • body update{ title, description, rulesOperator }
  • rule add{ aKey, operator, value }
  • rule remove{ rKey }
  • rule update{ operator, value, aKey, rKey }


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

Reply body for each action type:

body update

  payload: segment;


returned segment does not contain attribute rules

rule add

    payload: {
        aKey: aKey,
        rKey: rKey,
        sKey: sKey,
        type: type,
        operator: operator,
        value: value

rule remove

{ "message": "Rule successfully deleted." }

rule update

{ payload: {
    rKey: rKey,
    aKey: aKey,
    operator: operator,
    value: value,
    type: type,
    sKey: sKey


Returns on error:

Status codes: 400, 404, 409, 500

  error: error_message;

Attribute endpoints

Attribute object

	aKey: string,
	name: string,
	type: 'boolean' || 'string' || 'number',

Get all attributes

GET /api/attributes



no body.


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

{ payload: [ attr1, attr2, attr3,  ] } // ASC order by date created


Returns on error:

Status codes: 500

  error: error_message;

Get attribute by attribute key

GET /api/attributes/:aKey



no body.

aKey ⇒ key of the attribute (an HTTP path parameter)


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: attribute;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Create a new attribute

POST /api/attributes



  aKey: aKey,
  name: name,
  type: type

name - optional (default: an empty string)


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: attribute;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 400, 409, 500

  error: error_message;

Delete attribute

DELETE /api/attributes/:aKey



no body.

aKey ⇒ key of the attribute (an HTTP path parameter)


If an attribute is used in a rule & if you delete this attribute, all the rules that involve this attribute will be automatically deleted.


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  message: "Attribute successfully deleted.";


Returns on error:

Status codes: 404, 500

  error: error_message;

Change existing attribute

PUT /api/attributes/:aKey



aKey ⇒ current key of the attribute (an HTTP path parameter)

Request body:

    aKey: aKey, // new aKey
    name: name

name is optional (default: an empty string)


Returns on success:

Status code: 200

  payload: attribute;


Returns on error:

Status codes: 400, 404, 500

  error: error_message;