
Primary LanguagePHP


to send mail via Sendgrid and SendinBlue APIs.

1. install dependencies

composer install

2. Run docker

run the following command to start docker: docker-compose up

docker services included: php, nginx, 'mysql, 'rabbitmq

3. Start worker

to be able to send emails, we need to run the worker first. I used Laravel queue for this puprose.

$ php artisan queue:worker

4. API

send a post request to the following endpoint:

/mail/send with the json content:

$curl -XPOST http://localhost:8000/mail/send --data '{"name":"NAME", "email":"example@example.com", "subject:"test email", "body":"test <b>email</b>", "isHtml":true}'

5. Command

This project comes with an interactive command to send an email:

$ php artisan mail:send
> subject
test email
> body
test body
> is HTML? (yes/no)?
> do you want to add it to the queue? (yes/no): 

if yes, the email will be added to queue, otherwise it sends the email right away with the Sendgrid provider.

6. Tests

run the following command to run the tests:



  1. Inside the app/Mail directory there are some classes as follow:
  2. Contracts: interfaces needed for the project
  3. Providers: all email providers can be found here. All of them must extends Provider or implememnt EmailProvider
  4. Mailable.php: a simple php object that implemented Contracts\Mailable contains email information name, email, subject, etc.
  5. Mailer.php: A class that receives a EmailProvider, and tries to send the email.
  6. SendQueuedMailable.php: This class receives a MailerInterface (Mailer.php or any other class that implements the MailerInterface), and a collection of providers (ProviderCollection) and tries to send the email by each provider. If sending failes, it tries next provider.
  7. app/Jobs/MailSend is a Laravel job that registers providers and calls send method from SendQueuedMailable class.
  8. app/Collection/Collection.php is a PHP Collection to simulate strict typed arrays (more info)