
Schema 'rememberable' uses wrong user association.

jung-hunsoo opened this issue · 3 comments

My code shows warning in rememberable module like this;

warning: invalid association `user` in schema Myapp.Coherence.Rememberable: associated schema Myapp.Myapp.Coherence.User does not exist
  lib/myapp/coherence/rememberable.ex:1: Myapp.Coherence.Rememberable (module)

It seems that the generated module schema has an error code of belongs_to :user, Module.concat(Config.module, Config.user_schema).

The right code would be belongs_to :user, Config.user_schema since the auto-generated coherence config has user_schema: Myapp.Coherence.User which means it has top module name Myapp already.

not sure what is going on in your setup. Perhaps you are using an old version of coherence?? Here is the code directly from the generator template:

defmodule <%= base %>.Coherence.Rememberable do
  @moduledoc false
  use Ecto.Schema

  import Ecto.Changeset
  import Ecto.Query

  alias Coherence.Config

  <%= if use_binary_id? do %>
  @primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
  @foreign_key_type :binary_id
  <% end %>

  schema "rememberables" do
    field :series_hash, :string
    field :token_hash, :string
    field :token_created_at, :naive_datetime
    belongs_to :user, Config.user_schema()<%= if use_binary_id?, do: ", type: :binary_id", else: "" %>


# ...

Closing issue due to lack of response from OP.

Sorry for late. You're right I'm in v0.5.0. Actually I configured then it works fine.