
Logout feature non functional

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It seems to be that the logout session is non function. This is on the latest version running phoenix 1.4 as far as I am aware.

We keep getting the error that the path is not found. I have reviewed routes and the path is present. The current access method is the following:
<li><%= link "Log out", to: session_path(@conn, :delete), method: :delete %></li>

We get the error that route is not found. This is currently somewhat puzzling.

Error we get:
no route found for GET /sessions

I have reviewed this and I do not think it is the application but more the way I may be using phoenix. I do not believe that delete are allow from the UI that I am currently using. I have tested this one the demo app and all seems well + good. On my app however I run in to major issue so I believe more digging is need around the delete feature.

Ok so this is going to be a tale about that possible bug that was a not a bug.

The problem here was that phoenix uses javascript to its funkyness. This means that there has to be some reference of JS in there somewhere, but where and how ?

In the app.html.eex in layouts under template there is the following line at the bottom <script src="<%= static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>

This app.js has the following: import "phoenix_html"

This is key because this is where all the phoenix magic gets stored and then brunch compiles it into a thing. nmp install in assets folder is vital command to run.