
Realtime implementation differ from documentation

DavidBM opened this issue · 2 comments

In the documentation it mentions that the event will be publish to {rsmq.ns}:rt:{qname} but in the code we can see {rsmq.ns}rt:{qname} instead as you can see here:


Line 373 in f41b7e4

this.redis.publish(`${this.redisns}rt:${options.qname}`, resp[3]);

What would be the correct implementation? Changing the documentation would mean that everything remains the same, but it may mean that is not what it was intended to be released. Changing the code would be a breaking change until everyone updates the library.

Original discussion on DavidBM/rsmq-async-rs#5 (comment)

Seems like this is accounted for by postfixing the ":" to this.redisns in rsmq/index.js line 519 ...

this.redisns = opts.ns + ":";

Am I missing something?

You are right! It was brought up in my rust implementation, but it seems we just missreaded. Thanks! Closing this.