So you found an NFT contract that's not verified on Etherscan...

and you want to know how the project manages it's off-chain metadata.

Well, you've come to the right place. Here's a script to print out your NFT's tokenURI.

  1. install dependencies
npm install
  1. if you don't already have a node provider account, set one up at for free

  2. set your configs by renaming .env-placeholder to .env and then:

    1. set API_URL to your node provider URL, i.e., make sure network is set to mainnet for public NFT projects.
    2. set API_KEY to your node provider api key, i.e. 12345 -- it's most likely a subset of the API_URL
    3. set CONTRACT_ADDRESS to the address you want to check out, i.e. 0x0cE87f77B1d83dF522AE96AF9Cf810B16AB0942B
  3. run the interact.js script with: npx hardhat run interact.js

you'll see some output that looks like this:

contract name:  GFT Authentic Digital Collectible
token uri

that token uri is the location where the contract stores its metadata!
