
EMS Headspace is a mobile application that helps to optimise and easily manage Emergency Medical Services frontline operations with real-time data across iOS and android phones.


An all-in-one app to streamline workflow, giving users the headspace they need

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Context
  3. Challenges
  4. Project Stack
  5. Benefits
  6. Examples

EMS Headspace is a mobile application that helps to optimise and easily manage Emergency Medical Services frontline operations with real-time data across iOS and android phones. The apps covers a wide spectrum of area which includes medical & equipment logistics, personnel management, task management, ambulance management, news update and many more.

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What prompted me to start this project was a work-email from Public Service Division, Prime Minister’s Office asking, ‘What do you imagine the public officer of the future to be?’.

So I pondered about what the future meant to me, and looked at the local scene for inspiration. I saw how Singapore’s digital transformation helps create profound effect in their citizen’s life. And they did this because they want to see people’s life more empowered to live meaningful and fulfilled lives, enabled seamlessly by technology. image

My Interpretation of Future Public Officer


Rough sketch to the idea of a Future Public Officer

Inspired by Singapore's digital transformation, I decided to embark on my own digitalisation journey where I adopt a similar approach. I envisioned that SCDF officers are equipped with tools that can offer incredible functionality in their app, including displaying up-to-date content and data across both Apple & Android ecosystem and much more.

After submitting the idea, I thought why not make it a reality? If we can send a man to the moon, why cant we solve our domestic operational issues? So I decided to create a project centering around my organisation’s strategic asset – it’s people.

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Following discussion with my colleagues, understanding their pain-points, I was trying to architect a system that not only solve operational problems, but to also effectively rethink processes and also at the same time be able to find it’s value in tomorrow's tech trends and remain viable for decades.

Some of the challenges involves:

  1. Increasing Complexity in Frontline Operations.

  • Increasing number of appliances, equipment, personnel or emergence of unexpected elements which results in increased complexity in frontline management.
  1. Data Silos

  • Variable or dated information found on different platform. Making finding for information complex and unnecessarily frustrating.
  1. Resource efficiency

  • Reliance on the traditional paper, pen and office supplies for processes.
  1. Handling mindset shift

  • Having to reshape and handle attitudes and behaviour when it comes to digitalisation.
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The project was made using Flutter with Firebase as a Backend as a Service. Chose Firebase as I could focus more on the application development and less on server infrastructure.

Database: Firestore NoSQL Database
Storage: Firebase Storage
Auth: Firebase Phone and Anonymous
Message: Cloud Messaging

Other Stacks:

Adhoc Server Management & Push Notification: Python & Miro-Python
IOT: Micro-python

App was distributed via Firebase and TestFlight.

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  • Fast and Cost-Effective solution
  • Avoids Data silo and duplication
  • Integrate and link stakeholders with different appointments together
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Other Screens

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