
Questions about reproduction of Figure2f and Figure2cd

yu3jun opened this issue · 0 comments

Thank you for publishing such an excellent paper! I'm trying to reproduce the results of Figure2f and Figure2cd.

the pd.DataFrame(out) has 80 rows × 4 columns, all methods and category have different results about Top 20 DE MSE.

I wonder how they were computed, as I use the set as you advised in
to could only get few close results of different combinations of methods and category

How could we get different results of same method and category(like Gears and 2/2 seen)?
And if we use the mean No-perturb Top 20 DE MSE to compute others' Normalized MSE of Top 20 DE Genes?
I would appreciate very much if you could share some of the parametes to help reproduct the results, thanks a lot!!!
