
Compilation issue (dependencies), GHC 8.0.1, Cabal 1.24

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I tried to update the dependencies to compile with current versions, however, I ended with deadly messages and I do not know what to do now.

  • I cloned the snapframework dependencies (snap-core, snap-server, heist and io-streams-haproxy) . They compiled well with cabal install in their sandboxes.
  • I sandboxed snap and added these dependencies using cabal sandbox add-source ....

Apologies if this is some incompetence of mine.


Did you need to make any updates to snap-core, snap-server, heist, io-streams, or io-streams-haproxy? If not, try the following:

git clone
cd snap
git submodule update --init --recursive
cabal install
gspia commented

In issue #171, that is related, you can see, what version numbers will compile. It seems that there are four different cabal files that possibly would need minor changes (mainly the lines having bounds for time, lens, transformers, template-haskell and hint -packages).
Also, if we would like to get the project templates to work, there are couple of other (about 5) changes to be done.

Somehow after the above changes there was no need for sandboxes. The compilation order was xmlhtml, io-streams, io-stream-haproxy, snap-core, snap-server, snap.
And after those the loaders and snap-templates. And then 'snap init' gave a working server. If you make those log-directories too, then the server doesn't whine about "too bad situation".

(and the above with ghc 8.0.1 and cabal 1.24)

@perglr I've made the changes mentioned by @gspia. Can you try the set of commands I gave above and let me know if that works for you?

gspia commented

@perglr One note about the setup that worked easily. It was a fresh setup and install (I used a new user in a linux-box) and there was no other packages installed, except those that came with ghc 8.0.1 and cabal 1.24.

rm -rf ~/.cabal ~/.ghc and then @mightybyte 's set of commands.

Resolving dependencies...
cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
trying: snap- (user goal)
trying: time- (dependency of snap-
next goal: snap-server (dependency of snap-
rejecting: snap-server- (conflict: time==,
snap-server => time>=1.0 && <1.6)
rejecting: snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-0.9.3, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-0.9.2,
snap-server-0.9.0, snap-server-, snap-server-0.8.1,
snap-server-, snap-server-0.8.0, snap-server-, snap-server-0.7,
snap-server-, snap-server-0.6.0, snap-server-0.5.5, snap-server-0.5.4,
snap-server-, snap-server-0.5.3, snap-server-0.5.2,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-0.5.1, snap-server-0.5.0, snap-server-0.4.3,
snap-server-0.4.2, snap-server-0.4.1, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-0.4.0, snap-server-,
snap-server-0.3.1, snap-server-0.3.0, snap-server-,
snap-server-, snap-server-0.2.16, snap-server-,
snap-server-0.2.15, snap-server-, snap-server-0.2.14,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-,
snap-server-0.2.13, snap-server-0.2.12, snap-server-0.2.11,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-0.2.10,
snap-server-0.2.9, snap-server-, snap-server-0.2.8,
snap-server-, snap-server-, snap-server-0.2.7,
snap-server-0.2.6, snap-server-0.2.5, snap-server-0.2.4, snap-server-0.2.2,
snap-server-0.2.1, snap-server-0.1.4, snap-server-0.1.3, snap-server-0.1.2,
snap-server-0.1.1 (conflict: snap => snap-server>=1.0 && <1.1)
Dependency tree exhaustively searched.

gspia commented

It might be that the time-package is not the one that succeeded in the installation. Could you please check, what version you have?

➜ snap git:(master) ✗ ghc-pkg list | grep time

And after that, could you please check, what your cabal says:

➜ snap git:(master) ✗ grep time snap.cabal -n
132: time >= 1.1 && < 1.7,
259: time,

After updating 1.6 to 1.7 (and with the other similar changes), this compiled. And since this is already updated to the sources, do you have the latest set? If the cabal-file shows old bounds on time-packages, you probably don't have the latest.

I hope this helps you!

Thanks, @gspia, mine shows exactly the same results. I just wonder why I do not have the latest: I made a fresh git clone

For the reference, I did

rm -rf ~/.cabal ~/.ghc
git clone
cd snap
git submodule update --init --recursive
cabal install
gspia commented

I tried the instructions to git clone and build dependencies in a sand-box and it didn't work.
It seems that on the git the dependencies point to wrong versions, e.g., snap/deps-directory has a dependency

snap-core @ b5ca1f0
If you follow that link and take a look of the version, it clearly shows old cabal-file etc. and you can also see that it is a tree and not a master branch. And other deps seems to have the same problem.

(Ok, it seems that it is time to try the 2nd fork-pull exercise... and what are the right git commands to change the deps from trees to masters?)

gspia commented

Luckily, git commands found quickly and the pull request #172 is on its way now. Here is the set of commands if you want to try it right away:

git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach "(git checkout master; git pull --recurse-submodules)&"
cabal install

@perglr I just merge @gspia's pull request. Let me know if this fixes the issue.

Now compiles perfectly, thank you both!