Warning with opcache preloading
Thomerdos opened this issue · 3 comments
Thomerdos commented
I'm running the following configuration :
- Apache server running on Alpine
- PHP 8.2
- Symfony 6.4
- SncRedisBundle 4.7.0
- opcache preloading set to opcache.preload=/var/www/app/config/preload.php
- composer install with the --no-dev flag
I'm getting the following message on server startup :
<b>Warning</b>: Can't preload unlinked class Snc\RedisBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration\RedisDsn@anonymous: Unknown parent Snc\RedisBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration\RedisDsn in <b>/var/www/app/vendor/snc/redis-bundle/src/Factory/PhpredisClientFactory.php</b> on line <b>151</b><br />
The issue doesn't occurs in dev environnement.
I'm using Redis for the session with Redis Sentinel, it works in production even with the warning.
I don't know if this a symfony or bundle issue.
bruno-buiret commented
I'm having the same issue with the following configuration:
- Nginx server running on Alpine
- PHP-FPM 8.2
- Symfony 6.2
- SncRedisbundle 4.7.0
- Opcache preloading set to opcache.preload=/var/www/config/preload.php
- APP_ENV=prod
- composer install without flags
There error message is the following:
<b>Warning</b>: Can't preload unlinked class Snc\RedisBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration\RedisDsn@anonymous: Unknown parent Snc\RedisBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration\RedisDsn in <b>/var/www/vendor/snc/redis-bundle/src/Factory/PhpredisClientFactory.php</b> on line <b>151</b><br />
It's also running inside of Docker. I'm using regular Redis in a different container.
aglowienka commented
Apparently, the fix would be to add the following line to PhpredisClientFactory.php
, before the class declaration.
Similar like in Twig
ostrolucky commented
Have you tried that? If it's so simple, I can add it. But somebody should test it first.