
Unable to start container

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When using the given tutorial to start a container, the egroupwarecontainer immediately stops.

This is the result of docker start -i <name_of_container>

chmod: cannot access '/var/lib/egroupware/': No such file or directory

same experience with "latest"

egroupware needs a folder where to put its files. Did you create this folder?

Hi Andre,
yes the folders have create previously.
Just to make sure - with folder you meant to ones that will be mounted - which are /var/lib/mysql and /var/lib/egroupware right?

Sorry for late answer.
There was several problems:

  1. the mentioned folder rights
  2. problems connecting to mysql 8.0 (latest)
    See also:
    Please try again the new version of the script
    and let me know if it works with you. For me it worked with my extended version.

And also try to use the script, the folders will be created and get the right rights.

Thanks for the fix. I am not using the script since I want to replay the actions that were done so I can do some automation of my own. I therefore follow the instructions in the README.MD starting at point 3b.

I re-tested with the current version available from with the following parameters and result:


  • directories created
  • startup calls given as in instructions, modified folder locations accordingly

Docker container stops again immediately, docker start -a egroupware-xxx gives the following output:

chmod: cannot access '/var/lib/egroupware/': No such file or directory

My assumption is that there is an instuction missing that the PHP files from the assets directory have to be copied manually?

I have following remarks:

  • the installation instructions define the folders on the host machine as optional would be wise to create directories for storing everything in place. ...

  • I tried to run the container without a SUBFOLDER option. In that case the docker entrypoint file fails at line 61 as it is not set.
  • There is an error in the current README.MD, line 41

Important: /home/egroupware/$2/mysql.cnf create file with following text:

$2 is an unknown value for the manual installation, going by your script this should be called XXX to be conform to the rest of the instructions.

Thanks for the remark. You're right, I updated the doc(s).
But: I don't recommend using own way- or You just copy the lines from script (this is what I've done for updating the docs)