Assertion failed in
mcoulont opened this issue · 3 comments
mcoulont commented
Sorry to disturb you again.
I'm on master now and I try to run the following zf file:
# Integers
data nat := Zero | Succ nat.
val One : nat.
assert One = Succ Zero.
# Lists
data list a := nil | cons a (list a).
val length : pi a. list a -> nat.
assert length nil = Zero.
assert forall l x.
length (cons x l) = Succ (length l).
val rankedTerm : pi a. (list a) -> nat -> a.
assert forall l x.
rankedTerm (cons x l) Zero = x.
assert forall l x n.
rankedTerm (cons x l) (Succ n) = rankedTerm l n.
# F2
val isInF2 : nat -> prop.
rewrite forall x.
isInF2 x <=> (x = Zero || x = One).
I get File "src/prover_calculi/", line 2211, characters 13-19: Assertion failed
It seems that it works when I remove either of:
- the definition of length
- the definition of rankedTerm
- the definition of isInF2
c-cube commented
I can reproduce that, but I really don't have time to look more into it right now, sorry.
abentkamp commented
@petarvukmirovic has fixed this bug on the bool_calculi
branch. So maybe you could try that branch instead? I guess it will still take a while until it gets merged into master
mcoulont commented
It works with the branch you told. Thanks.