
Raspberry pi driver for Tortoise/terrarium automation

Primary LanguagePython


Raspberry pi driver for Tortoise/terrarium automation

This is a 0.1a version of my project to automate the tortoise terrarium at home.

At the moment there is only one water-pump connected to the Pi that sprinkles water every hour to sustain humidity.

I plan to add an autmatic feeder and "weather station" for monitoring humidity and temperature.

 jurek_control heater (--turn-on <minutes> | --turn-off | --status)
 jurek_control pump (--turn-on <seconds> | --turn-off | --status)
 jurek_control feeder (--turn-on <seconds> | --turn-off | --status)
 jurek_control weather_station (--read | --update-spreadsheet)
 jurek_control status
 jurek_control (-h | --help)
 jurek_control (--version)

Example usage:

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# jurek_control status
 Pump is turned off
 Electric heater is turned off
 Feeder is turned off

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# jurek_control pump --turn-on 10  # in seconds
 2013-11-19 14:26:12.468362 Turning pump on
 2013-11-19 14:26:22.474739 Turning pump off

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# jurek_control heater --turn-on 1  # in minutes
 2013-11-19 14:27:14.478262 Turning heater on
 2013-11-19 14:28:14.484139 Turning heater off
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# ./jurek_control weather_station --read
 Temperature: 26.0 C
 Humidity:    34.0 %