
Installing hermes-python from source

joanhofer opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to install hermes-python from source according to the instructions from:

When running the following code using git bash:
mkdir -p platforms/hermes-python/target
CARGO_TARGET_DIR=platforms/hermes-python/target cargo rustc --lib --manifest-path hermes-mqtt-ffi/Cargo.toml --release -- --crate-type cdylib

several files and folders are created in the folder "/hermes-protocol/platforms/hermes-python/target/release":
build deps examples hermes_mqtt_ffi.d hermes_mqtt_ffi.dll hermes_mqtt_ffi.dll.d hermes_mqtt_ffi.dll.lib hermes_mqtt_ffi.lib incremental libhermes_mqtt_ffi.d libhermes_mqtt_ffi.rlib native

However the dynamically linked shared object library libhermes_mqtt_ffi.dylib is missing.
Do you know what the reason could be?

I'm sorry, the documentation is a bit misleading on this subject and was written for macOS.

Depending on the platform you are running these commands, the output varies in the extension it can either be :

  • libhermes_mqtt_ffi.dylib (on MacOS)
  • (on Linux)
  • libhermes_mqtt_ffi.dll (on Windows)

You need to pick the correct extension platform.
Stay tuned here, because I'll update the instructions to something that abstracts away this tedious copy step :

Let me know if you're still stuck.


Thank you for the reply. I'm using a Windows system. The dll file is called hermes_mqtt_ffi.dll. I will try to continue with this one.

Let us know how it went !

Closing this for now.