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Website for universal-inovators.com made with React.


  • Node.js
  • npm


  • Step 1 :

    Clone the repository in your local Machine: git clone https://github.com/snitin315/universal-inovators.git
  • Step 2 :

    Change the directory into the cloned repository : cd universal-inovators
  • Step 3 :

    Install the required dependencies: npm install
  • Step 4 :

    Run the website in local Machine : npm start
Now your app will be up and running on port 3000 , visit http://localhost:5000

Creating a Production Build

  • Step 1 :

    Create the production build by : npm run build
  • Step 2 :

    Run the production build of app with : node server.js
Now your app will be up and running on port 5000 , visit http://localhost:5000