Mert Sönmez - Frontend Web & Mobile Developer

Hello! I'm Mert Sönmez. This GitHub repository belongs to the portfolio and personal website where I introduce myself as both a frontend web and mobile developer and a university student.

About Me

Hello! I'm Mert Sönmez, and I live in Turkey. While pursuing my university education, I also work as a frontend web and mobile app developer. My interest in the world of technology remains strong, and I strive to improve myself every day to become better.

Passion for Technology and Sports

I'm someone who closely follows technology and continually strives to learn about emerging trends. Additionally, I have an interest in sports, especially Formula 1 racing, which excites me greatly.

My Skills

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, Python, Dart
  • Web Technologies: HTML, CSS
  • Development Areas: Frontend Web Development, Mobile App Development

Hobbies and Interests

One of my favorite activities in my free time is watching technology and science-related videos. Moreover, I experience exciting moments by following F1 races.

Personal Development

I'm currently a junior-level programmer, but I'm constantly learning and gaining experience every day to improve myself. My goal is to elevate my skills by participating in more projects and learning about new technologies.


If you'd like to get in touch with me, you can use the following methods:

You can also reach out to me through this repository.