
Build and deploy Zola project to Repository Static Pages (GitLab/GitHub Pages) automatically, whenever pushed to remote repositories

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Zola Pages Deployer

Build and deploy Zola (static site generator) project to Repository Static Pages (GitLab/GitHub Pages) automatically,
whenever pushed to remote repositories (GitLab/GitHub)


  • Workflow on push to GitLab/GitHub

    1. Build Zola project to a static site
    2. Optimize built output above
      • Optimize Zola built result with optimizer passes
      • Built-in optimizer
        • 10_minify: Minify text files (e.g. .html, .js, .css)
        • 20_gzip_compression: Perform static gzip compression on text files
      • Add other optimizer scripts in addition to built-in ones
    3. Deploy optimized output above to GitLab Pages / GitHub Pages
      • Supports Pages Export on deploy (deploying built pages to an external repository), not only to pushed repository
  • Use cases

    • Build Zola & deploy Pages automatically on push
      • Push to GitLab/GitHub, then GitLab/GitHub Pages site is deployed (for GitHub, configuration is required)
    • Build Zola in a repository A, but export & deploy the Pages outputs to another repository B
      • It is possible to push & build source in a private repository A, but deploy the outputs in public repository B

Quick Start

  1. Git clone from this repository.

    • From GitLab
      git clone -b v1.0.2 --single-branch https://gitlab.com/snoopy3476/zola-pages-deployer
      cd zola-pages-deployer
      git switch -c main
    • From GitHub
      git clone -b v1.0.2 --single-branch https://github.com/snoopy3476/zola-pages-deployer
      cd zola-pages-deployer
      git switch -c main
  2. Remove the sample zola project directory. ('~_sample_zola_project-remove_this_before_use')

    git rm -rf ./~_sample_zola_project-remove_this_before_use
  3. Put a single Zola project directory in the Zola Pages Deployer directory.
    (NOTE: directory name 'optimizer', 'public', and 'static' are reserved and must not be used for inner Zola project directory!)

  4. Build

    • Build on remote repositories automatically
      • Push to GitLab/GitHub, then Zola project is built automatically on remote
        • Built output is also deployed to Pages if pushed to default branch
    • Build locally
      • Install prerequisites
      • Use following scripts:
        • ./build.sh [zola-dir]: Build Zola project, then put the result output inside the subdirectory 'public'
        • ./img-build.sh <img-name> [zola-dir]: Build Zola project, then put the result output inside the webserver OCI container image (thttpd) so that it can be served via container
        • ./test-img.sh [zola-dir]: Build Zola project inside webserver image (thttpd), then run the Zola container created from the image. Note that output image and container is removed after exit


Following features are provided in addition to just building a Zola site.

Optimizer Pass

After Zola build, optimizing the built result is done with optimizer passes (which are in the directory 'optimizer').

  • Optimizer pass files should have execute permission (e.g. $ chmod +x opt_pass_file)
  • Optimizer passes inside the directory 'optimizer' are run in ascending order of their filenames
    • E.g. 00_first_script > 10_second_script > 20_third_script > ...
  • Each optimizer runs at a temporary directory somewhere else, which has two subdirectories: 'input' and 'output'
    • All optimizers read files to optimize from 'input' directory, do optimize them, then put the result files inside 'output' directory
    • Examples of optimizer files
      • Just pass input as output, without any modification:
        cp -af ./input/. ./output
      • Add gzip compressed results (orig_filename).gz for each input file:
        cp -af ./input/. ./output && gzip -krf9 ./output
  • Place user-defined optimizers inside the directory 'optimizer' to add custom passes in addition to built-in ones

Pages Deployment

When this project is pushed to a remote repository, Zola project is built into Pages automatically with GitLab CI / GitHub Actions.

  • Behaviors of the feature

    • On push to GitLab/GitHub, according to the pushed branch

      • Default branch:
        1. First build Zola
        2. Then deploy to GitLab/GitHub Pages
      • Other branches:
        1. Build Zola only
    • When Pages Export is enabled

  • Required configuration for GitHub Pages

    • After first push and Pages branch creation, Configure GitHub Pages on the repository to server pages
      • Set source branch to: pages (or your custom Pages branch in other name)
      • Set directory to: '/docs'
    • (Cf. No additional configuration is needed for GitLab Pages, just push to GitLab and it is deployed)

Pages Export

Export & deploy built result site outputs to an external repository, not deploying to the pushed repository itself.

  • Behavior according to whether environment variables for Pages Export is configured
    • Not configured:
      1. Build & Deploy on pushed repository
    • Configured:
      1. First build on pushed repository
      2. Then deploy on a different repository other than the pushed one

Environment Variables

Set following environment variables to control build and deploy process on GitLab/GitHub.

  • Environment variables can be set by:
    • GitLab: Adding as variables in Project Settings > CI/CD > Variables
    • GitHub: Adding as secrets in Repository Settings > Security > Secrets > Actions
    • Local run: Setting as environment variables (e.g. $ ENV1=ENVVAR1 ENV2=ENVVAR2 ./build.sh)

Environment Variables for Build

These environment variables take effect on build stage on GitLab/GitHub, or local manual run.

  • For Zola

    • ZOLA_VER: Version of Zola
      (e.g. 0.16.0)
      • Default value: latest
    • ZOLA_BASE_URL: base_url for Zola to override default in comfig.toml
  • For webserver image

    (Only for local img-build.sh, test-img.sh run. Currently not used on GitLab/GitHub)

    • CACHE_MAX_AGE: Default http cache-control max-age value in seconds (for thttpd). This value can be overwritten on each container run by setting this environment variable.
      • Default value: 600
  • For test run

    (Only for local test-img.sh run. Currently not used on GitLab/GitHub)

    • EXTERNAL_PORT: external port to get http request on test run.
      • Default value: 8000

Environment Variables for Pages Export

These environment variables set path and authentication information of an external target repository for Pages Export.

NOTE: If Zola output site is to be served on the repository where it is pushed, these environment variables should NOT be set.

Repository address format using following variables:

  • Examples
    • https://(some_GITHUB_TOKEN)@github.com/snoopy3476/Zola-Pages-Deployer
    • ssh://git@github.com/snoopy3476/Zola-Pages-Deployer
      • Same with: git@github.com:snoopy3476/Zola-Pages-Deployer
  • Repository path

    • REPO_PROTOCOL: Protocol
      (e.g. ssh, https)
      • Default value: ssh
    • REPO_HOST: Host name of the target repository server to push pages
      (e.g. gitlab.com, github.com, IP of any local hosted server)
      • Default value: Current running server
    • REPO: Repository name in the target repository server to push pages
      (e.g. username/reponame)
      • Default value: Current repository path
    • REPO_BRANCH: Branch name of the repository to push pages
      (e.g. pages, gh-pages)
      • Default value: pages
  • Repository authentication

    If authentication error occurs after setting repository path variables above, set appropriate authentication info to one or more of following variables

    • REPO_ID: ID of the target repository server to push pages
      (e.g. git, server_token)
    • REPO_PW: Password of the target repository server to push pages
      (WARNING: Using this variable is not recommended in general!)
    • REPO_KEY: SSH private key of the target repository to push pages. Used only when REPO_PROTOCOL is ssh.
      • Using repository deploy key ( GitLab Deploy Keys / GitHub Deploy Keys ) is recommended, not your account SSH key directly
        1. Create a new pair of temporary RSA key in local shell (e.g. $ ssh-keygen -m pem -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f ./tmpkey)
        2. Copy the contents of output private key, and set it to this REPO_KEY variable
        3. Copy the contents of output public key, and add it as a new deploy key of the target repository (that you want to deploy Pages).
          Check Allow write access when creating the new deploy key
        4. Remove local temporary keys created before (e.g. $ rm ./tmpkey ./tmpkey.pub)
      • RSA key (starting with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----) is recommended, as SSH in GitHub runner does not seems to handle newer, non-RSA algorithms well (e.g. ed25519)


Kim Hwiwon <kim.hwiwon@outlook.com>


The MIT License (MIT)