
[feature suggestion] Auto rename renamed and deprecated options

Opened this issue · 1 comments

More often than not renamed options and package names appear that don't allow rebuilding the system. This would be hard to resolve for novice users and this issue represents core problem that is left to be resolved (now that we have great tools nixos-conf-editor and nix-software-center)for completely terminal-free NixOS and SnowflakeOS experience.

Will this endeavor be possible to accomplish? Are there any steps already being made in this direction? You are very close to cement NixOS as the best distro ever (for linux noobs aswell)

vlinkz commented

I do have something already in place for packages when using nix-software-center, so something similar for nixos options would definitely be a good idea as well! (The actual function that does this is part of a shared library used for both nixos-conf-editor and nix-software-center for those interested: