
feature request: filter to view only changed values

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Thanks for this wonderful project, I'm looking forward to be able to recommend NixOS (or snowflakeOS) to my non-nerd friends!

Great idea!! Just added a basic implementation in d38f533
Screenshot from 2022-09-28 13-54-34

Nice! Thanks!

I just tried this, and it only shows me a small selection of the options I configured.
How can I help troubleshoot this?

Right now it shows only options that you have set in your configuration.nix or modified in the editor. Is it not doing that or did I misunderstand the request?

I haven't changed anything in the editor, but it is showing only a small part of my configuration.nix.

While looking up the above link, I noticed the exact problem: it is picking up the changes from my configuration.nix, but not from the imports.

Right now modifying only a single configuration is supported. I made a new issue to track this here: #7

OK, thanks.