
SNOW-1061246 "account" parameter is always required by `sf.DSN`?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

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Tried to use sf.DSN to make a connection string from a *sf.Config, using a host that includes the account name, and it still requires that a separate account parameter be set, even though this should be optional from what I'm seeing here, since the account identifier is specified after the "@" sign, as part of the host.

This code produces an error 260000: account is empty

	cfg := &sf.Config{
		// Account:  "account",
		Host:     "<orgname>-<account_name>",
		User:     "user",
		Password: "password",

	dsn, err := sf.DSN(cfg)
	if err != nil {
  1. What did you expect to see?

Ideally this would create a connection string without an account parameter, and include the host.

For example, this code works:

	cfg := &sf.Config{
		Account:  "account",
		Host:     "<orgname>-<account_name>",
		User:     "user",
		Password: "password",

	dsn, err := sf.DSN(cfg)
	if err != nil {

It outputs this connection string: user:password@<orgname>-<account_name>

What I'd like is a way to get a connection string like this: user:password@<orgname>-<account_name>

  1. Can you set logging to DEBUG and collect the logs?


  1. What is your Snowflake account identifier, if any? (Optional)


Hi - indeed the linked documentation bit might be a bit confusing. I believe the account is always mandatory (for other drivers too, besides the gosnowflake one) and might be optional only if you're using the connection string, something like this:
db, err := sql.Open("snowflake", "jsmith:mypassword@my_organization-my_account/mydb/testschema?warehouse=mywh")

Could this be something which works for you ?

Yes building the connection string by hand would work and I've tested that it does work without the account parameter. But I was expecting this to be optional when using sf.DSN as well.

good to hear it's working for you ! for the sf.DSN, I'm afraid you'll need to use the account as a non-optional parameter as documented.

Since this works as expected, I'm now marking this issue as closed but if you feel it's still a bug, please comment and I can reopen and look further.