
SNOW-1007765: snow snowpark package create will also package all files and folders from where the command was ran from

Closed this issue · 2 comments

SnowCLI version


Python version




What happened

I am trying to create a package using snow snowpark package create to import in my native app Python code. I'll use sqlfluff as an example, but I think you can reproduce the bug with any Python package.

I noticed the zip file to be quite big so I opened it to see the contents and that's when I noticed it also contained all the files and folders where I ran the command from.

Console output

Package created. You can now upload it to a stage (`snow snowpark package upload -f -s
packages`) and reference it in your procedure or function.
The package sqlfluff is supported, but does depend on the
                following Snowflake supported native libraries. You should
                include the following in your packages: [<Requirement: "PyYAML==6.0.1">, <Requirement:
"toml==0.10.2">, <Requirement: "Pygments==2.17.2">, <Requirement: "typing_extensions==4.9.0">, <Requirement:
"pytest==7.4.4">, <Requirement: "colorama==0.4.6">, <Requirement: "regex==2023.12.25">, <Requirement:
"Jinja2==3.1.3">, <Requirement: "iniconfig==2.0.0">, <Requirement: "packaging==23.2">, <Requirement:
"appdirs==1.4.4">, <Requirement: "pathspec==0.12.1">, <Requirement: "chardet==5.2.0">, <Requirement: "tblib==3.0.0">,
<Requirement: "tomli==2.0.1">, <Requirement: "tqdm==4.66.1">, <Requirement: "exceptiongroup==1.2.0">, <Requirement:
"MarkupSafe==2.1.3">, <Requirement: "pluggy==1.3.0">, <Requirement: "click==8.1.7">]

How to reproduce

  1. cd inside a folder that has files and folders in it.
  2. Run snow snowpark package create -y sqlfluff (or whatever package)
  3. Look inside the zip file that has been created: if you see a bunch of files and folders that are not part of the package you are trying to create, you have reproduced the problem.

Hi, thanks for reporting. We have worked out a fix- it will be included in the next version.

That's great, thank you for the quick feedback!