
Where is the 2.1.1 release?

sskirby opened this issue · 2 comments

I can see from the commits and from the Snowflake docs that a 2.1 version of this project should exist.

However, the 2.1.1 version (or the 2.1.0 version) does not exist on the Confluent Client Hub or in the Github releases.

What's going on?

Hi @sskirby
We had issue with version 2.1.0 which had to be rolledback. To prevent any more usage of it, we had to remove it from GH release and confluent hub. (we couldn't remove it from maven)

We are working on version 2.1.1 as best as we can and will be very similar to the 2.1.0 with the fix. Stay tuned on the release!

@sfc-gh-japatel thanks for the update!