
Scriptlets don´t work in header and Footer

ricardofragacamelo opened this issue · 3 comments

I tested using scriptlets in the header and footer of a docx file, but it didn´t work. This is a missing feature or a bug? I´m using verision 0.7.6

Ricardo Fraga Camelo

Could you attach docx doc with your template so I can debug it?

To atach I had to modify the file extensions to ".gif", rename it to ".docx", the file named "saida.docx", is the output of the execution, and the "template.docx" has the input template. I analized your source and the only file that you process is "word/document.xml". The content for the header is located in another file "word\header2.xml". If you unzip the docx file you will find 3 header files "word\header1.xml", "word\header2.xml" and ""word\header3.xml", but I don´t know why the content is put only in the header2 file. I believe the case that I described above, is also valid for the footer section of the document. The content of the files are in portuguese.


Fixed in 0.8.0. version will appear in maven central within several days.