Meeter being bugged for Bleed damage (it shows just bleed damage doing such 15b)
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Takaber commented
Hello, ehmm found a bug idk how to qualifie being honest but sometimes (not always) when i use some skill that has bleed in such case my GL using taunt with bleed rune, it shows in the meeter that im doing 17b of damage and i was like "naa cant be" then i see where it comes that "damage" and just shows "Bleed" and obviously the 17b damaged dealed, and i see that it shows 2 Gunlancers (notify that in that party im the only GL) and shows 1 with the name Gunlancer and the other one obviously with my name.
Takaber commented
Ohh yeah was G3 AkkanH i was lantern.
snoww commented
meter opened too late