
Add support for authenticated TAK Server connections

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Add support for TAK Server connections that require authentication (username & password).

Haven't figured out the auth method TAK Server uses yet.

Brian Y.:

When the "Use Authentication" option is enabled I believe TAK Server expects the first packet through that connection from the client to include the user/client credentials. If missing or not authenticated, TS will promptly close the connection. I believe the packet is TAK-custom (not standardized) in this case. IIRC the authorization can be handled a couple different ways by TS e.g. file based user database, LDAP, etc Josh or Joe can correct where this is offbase

This is what the initial payload from an ATAK EUD looks like when connecting to a TAK Server that requires authentication (pasted as-is, no linefeeds added):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<auth><cot username="test_username" password="test_password" uid="ANDROID-359307100100375"/></auth><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<event version="2.0" uid="ANDROID-359307100100375" type="a-f-G-E-V-C" time="2023-03-21T05:06:38.436Z" start="2023-03-21T05:06:38.436Z" stale="2023-03-21T05:12:53.436Z" how="h-g-i-g-o"><point lat="0.0" lon="0.0" hae="9999999.0" ce="9999999.0" le="9999999.0"/><detail><takv os="28" version=" (129b362d)[playstore].1677947871-CIV" device="SAMSUNG SM-T547U" platform="ATAK-CIV"/><contact endpoint="*:-1:stcp" callsign="CA-SF-GregA-TabA"/><uid Droid="CA-SF-GregA-TabA"/><__group role="Medic" name="Blue"/><status battery="100"/><track course="207.2594673459405" speed="0.0"/></detail></event>