
these are my idiot dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua

o.o - my personal dotfiles



o.o is a collection of my personal system configurations, also known as "dotfiles". Currently, this is managed through a package management tool/operating system called Nix.

NOTE: - This is my setup. I cannot guarentee that it'll work for you. It's barely working for me


This guide is made with the intentions of you already having an install of NixOS. I will make a better guide later on.

Enter into an environment with Git and home-manager:

nix-shell -p git home-manager

Clone the Git repository to a safe place and cd to it:

git clone https://github.com/snthcy/o.o.git
cd o.o/

Install the NixOS system configuration with flakes:

nixos-install --flake '.#hpee'

Logout and reboot your system, then renavigate to the Git repository and setup the home-manager configuration:

home-manager switch --flake '.#nom@hpee'

