
A howler-based web player with Deezer, Spotify, SoundCloud and local sounds as sources.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A howler-based wrapper and functional player for Spotify or Deezer albums, SoundCloud playlists or your local sounds.


npm i sntiagomoreno/howlplayer or yarn add sntiagomoreno/howlplayer

Deezer (Recommended)

Note: If you're trying to get preview sounds Deezer is a better option than Spotify as you will not need an access token.

import Player from 'howlplayer'

let player = new Player({
            src: {
                name: 'deezer',
                id: '86241112' // album ID
            render: {
                ui: true // append UI to DOM


Note: Spotify's API doesn't offer a no-expiry access token. You will have to refresh it on your end.

import Player from 'howlplayer'

let player = new Player({
            src: {
                name: 'spotify',
                id: '0DRUOQBsax8QLUVctbEIAT', // album ID
                token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' // required for Spotify
            render: {
                ui: false // set to false if you want a custom function to render your data
                renderMethod: myFunction


Note: In order to access SoundCloud's API you will need an access token. Sadly, they've stopped letting users create new applications so there's no way to get a new API key. This is only useful if you've previously been granted one.

import Player from 'howlplayer'

let player = new Player({
            src: {
                name: 'soundcloud',
                id: '405726', // album ID
                token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' // required for SoundCloud
            render: {
                ui: true


Note: Please check this to see how your json file should be structured. You can add as many properties you want within tracks and info properties.

import Player from 'howlplayer'

let player = new Player({
            src: {
                name: 'local',
                data: 'tracks.json'
            render: {
                ui: true

Custom renderer

You can use your own method to render the data received.

import Player from 'howlplayer'

let player = new Player({
            src: {
                name: 'deezer',
                id: '86241112'
            render: {
                ui: false,
                renderMethod: myFunction

// Your function must have one parameter to which the data gets passed

function myFunction(arg){
    var data = arg


option description default
el Selector to append the player body
src.name Source name local deezer spotify or soundcloud local
src.token Access token or API key (required for Spotify and SoundCloud) null
src.id ID of the album to get
src.data JSON File for loading local sounds (required when src.name is local)
render.ui Render basic player UI elements false
render.renderMethod Function name to render content. render.ui must be false 'default'
showArtist Show artist/author name next to the song's name false


  • Howler
  • Axios


  • Options for album, track or playlist in Spotify and Deezer.
  • Improve code structure.
  • Use fetch over axios.
  • Add demo.
  • Add development to docs.