
Assignment 08 Status

jeehoonkang opened this issue · 17 comments

Hi all,

  • Assignment 08 is issued.
  • Please read to know how to fetch homework and submit your answer.
    • You have to run ./ to get assignment 08.
    • Do your homework by editing sf/Assignment08_??.v.
    • Make sure make works without errors.
    • Commit and push to your GitHub repository.
    • Make sure$YOURID/pl2015 contains the change you made.
  • Stay tuned for and this issue on the assignment.
  • You are NOT allowed to use the [admit] tactic.
  • You are ALLOWED to use any tactics including: [tauto], [intuition], [firstorder], [omega].
  • Just leave [exact FILL_IN_HERE] for those problems that you fail to prove.
  • Do NOT add any additional Require Import/Export.


What section in the text does this homework go up to? Also, when is it due? Since it was released a bit later than usual, will we have some extra time to finish it?

@AdamBJ Due is written in the README. The assignment is issued slightly later than usual, but the due will be the same: 14:00 Thr.

@jeehoonkang When I click the link for the README I get a 404 error. Is the coverage of the assignment written in the README too? It helps to have it for planning purposes.

@AdamBJ It seems the assignment covers Imp.v.

Problem 08_05 suggests us to change the behavior of s_execute when it meets SPlus, SMinus or SMult when the stack has less than two elements. Are we allowed to change 08_00 in order to do so?

sanha commented

Compiling the Assignment8_00.v file takes very long time and not end, even though I already compiled the SfLib.v and compiling other files do not makes any problem. And a few students encounter similar problem. What should I do?

@SungMinCho I think the issue is related to #101 . Would you please discuss there?
@sanha I think the issue is related to #99 . Would you please discuss there?

Is there no grader ?? I can't find anything.

Hi, I think you're using an old Assignment08_00.v file in your grader. Is there a reason for it or is it a mistake?

@wonook It was my mistake. I re-uploaded it. Sorry for inconvenience. Jeehoon

Aiight, works awesome now. Thanks!

Even tho the assignment was uploaded late it is still due today's 2PM?

@alkaza Yes it is.

Submissions are collected.

delay submissions are collected.