
bug of debugMax() or funcMaxMPC()

zzz130981 opened this issue · 4 comments

Just like I did in #7 , I invoked debugMax() in the main function.
As you know, what it does is to find the value and index of the MAX in an array a({0,1,0,4,5,3,10,6,41,9}), the expect result is "max:41 maxIndex:4".
However, I only got:
2020-02-18 19-52-55 的屏幕截图

My project partner and I figured out that you can make this give the right result if you call debugComputeMSB(); before

My project partner and I figured out that you can make this give the right result if you call debugComputeMSB(); before

Yes, you're right!
So will it works if you run debugMSB() or funcComputeMSB3PC() before funcMaxMPC() is invokeed?

I have no idea how any of this ends up working together so I cant help you.

I have no idea how any of this ends up working together so I cant help you.

I have tried invoke debugMSB() or funcComputeMSB3PC() before funcMaxMPC(), however, it does not work.

Have you try debugPC()?I think it does not work, either.