
Windows 7 support ending in 2020

rugk opened this issue ยท 7 comments

rugk commented

@snwh I've wrote about your site at (edit: and and expressed some ideas about maybe making a campaign to get Windows 7 users to upgrade to Linux?

Maybe you want to have a look/check it out.

As for this site, maybe you can adjust it/make some special "Upgrade/Switch" page, or so? No ideaโ€ฆ, just wanted to let you know.

snwh commented

The Compute Freely site does have a switching page:

Part of the idea of the site is to make a case without referencing the other OSes directly.

rugk commented

I know, that is nice, but unfortunately not specific enough.
If we want to get users from windows 7, we need to address them directly.

snwh commented

Right, that isn't the goal of this site however.

rugk commented

...but can be expanded. ๐Ÿ˜„

Also I wanted to raise your interest for that and collect ideas in the linked forum threads. Possibly it can result in a new website or so.

rugk commented

โ€ฆor you just make a subsite e.g.โ€ฆ

I would really like to see it. ๐Ÿ˜„

try (shameless promotion ๐Ÿ˜„ ), it specifically tries convincing mac and windows users to try linux. what you want is out of scope for computefreely however

rugk commented

Great, this looks really useful! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ