Exhibitor doesn't support encrypted S3 buckets
GaalDornick opened this issue · 1 comments
S3 has a feature that allows users to encrypt the files stored in S3. There are various modes of encryption which are documented here http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingEncryption.html
As per my current employer's policy, all data on S3 has to use Server side encryption, and they put policies on S3 buckets that forces the data to be encrypted. The problem is that Exhibitor doesn't turn encryption on when it uploads the shared configuration to S3. There should be a way that we can tell exhibitor to use SSE.
The Hadoop AWS client library supports the various kind of encryptions. https://hortonworks.github.io/hdp-aws/s3-encryption/index.html Exhibitor should support something similar
We also require everything in AWS to be encrypted and use AWS KMS keys for safe guarding our data. This is a high priority for the company where I work.