
Problem with empty URL being returned

Opened this issue · 1 comments

bdr commented

I'm having a problem where "url = m.send(lambda file_path, display_name: print('', end='', flush=True))" returns an empty URL. I discovered that when I remove a file from the collection of files sent to MOSS, all is well. I've attached the file
p.s. this file actually ends with ".source" extension, but github refused to attach a file with that suffix!

If I comment out the following line in this file:
df4 = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_[0:2], columns = feature_names, index=['PC1','PC2'])
then everything works correctly. I'm not sure why the inclusion of this file causes mosspy to fail. All works well when submitting directly to moss:
./moss -l python /Users/bdr/antiplag/kct-zips/543s21ASSN1TST2000/*.source
any advice?

Hi @bdr, Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you sooner. Thanks for reporting this as separate issue. I ran this case on Windows, and Linux environment and its working fine there.

Moss Report URL:

Can you share some more detail which could help in reproducing this issue?