
Weird render when you have a trailing whitespace after triple backticks

pietroppeter opened this issue · 3 comments

I am not even sure if this is a bug or it is according to specs (I know markdown is weird about trailing whitespaces).
Adding a trailing whitespace to a triple backtick makes markdown not recognize it that it ends the code block.

this (for clarity I am using a '*' char that I later replace to whitespace):

import markdown
import std / strutils

echo markdown("""
echo "hello"
""".replace('*', ' '), config=initGfmConfig())

outputs this (without the backslash which I had to add for GitHub to render it):

<pre><code class="language-nim">echo &quot;hello&quot;

I would expect this:

<pre><code class="language-nim">echo &quot;hello&quot;

which is what you get if you remove the trailing whitespace.

soasme commented

@pietroppeter Thanks for bringing it up. I think it's a nim-markdown bug.

Here is my research:

Nim-markdown closing fence ends up with ```($|\n), which does not allow trailing whitespaces after backticks.

While the current CommonMark (v.0.30) spec allows it:

The closing code fence may be preceded by up to three spaces of indentation, and may be followed only by spaces or tabs, which are ignored.

I will make a bugfix PR for it.

soasme commented

This issue is fixed in #65. Please upgrade to v0.8.7 to test it out. Thanks.

Thank you, will do!