
runtime error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method id(J)

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Use Build->Rebuild Project is fine. The generated has method id(). Android Studio editor code grammar analysis says all right.

But if I run app(Shift + F10), it will crash and the error is NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method id(J).
At this time if I open the file calls Mapper class, Android Studio editor will mark id() method with red color, says cannot resolve id() method.

The id() method I'm talking about is like SourceMapper.contentValues().id(1)

My environment: Android Studio 2.1, gradle plugin 2.1.0, sqlbrite and sqlbrite-dao are both 0.6.1, kapt, kotlin 1.0.0

Actually, it's sockeqwe/plaid / Source.kt