

radiophonic opened this issue · 3 comments

First of all, thanks for the scripts. They work well for the most part, quite a few throwing errors which make them unusable but I'll file those bugs another time.

Secondly, would it be possible to utilize the channel scrape (item 5) on channels that don't have names in a future release? (ie. those that start with a + with a string of characters after.) I am able to do a channel export on these groups through the Telegram program itself, but not from within this particular piece of software.

Thanks again!

Hey, thanks for the positive feedback and I'm glad you are getting some use out of it.

Out of curiosity, in the example you are talking about, is the target channel publically accessible? Or if it's private, do you have the relevant access (i.e. are you a member)? Channel URLs that start with a +XXXXXXXX are typically private/closed channels/groups. The API access method utilized in this script utilizes the permissions of the associated Telegram account, so it won't be able to access a closed Telegram chat if you don't have access to it. However, i'll add the issue you describe to my list for further investigation and see what I can do.

Do log any errors or ideas if you get a chance, I plan to return to developing this script with updates next month.

Hi again,

Yes, the group chat is publicly accessible it however doesn't have a name like most group chats. In my experience, I can access it once to preview the contents (which also allows me to archive the chat) but accessing it a second time requires me to join to view the chat.

I typically get the link to the chat from another channel and go from there as the channel is part of a larger group which branches off their chats to different groups.

Have a good one!

Thanks for the extra details, this helps narrow things down! I have encountered similar channels before and will look into what can be done surrounding collection in these situations.