
crop.rkt not found

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Today when I tried to upgrade metapict using raco pkg update metapict, I got the following error:

raco setup: error: during making for <pkgs>/metapict/metapict/examples
raco setup:   open-input-file: cannot open module file
raco setup:     module path: /home/hadi/.racket/7.5/pkgs/metapict/metapict/crop.rkt
raco setup:     path: /home/hadi/.racket/7.5/pkgs/metapict/metapict/crop.rkt
raco setup:     system error: no such file or directory; rktio_err=3
raco setup:     compiling: <pkgs>/metapict/metapict/examples/racket-logo.rkt

Thanks for the bug report. I have added the forgotten file.