

  • Matlab (originally written in 2018a)
  • image_toolbox
  • statistics_toolbox


  • droplet(Im, rect, estimate, baseline) calls the droplet class that analyzes the shape of a sessile droplet resting on a droplet using either a spherical or eliptical approximation to determine the size and contact angle. Im is an image of the droplet centered in rectangle rect. estimate is a size estimation for the radius of the droplet in pixels (the radius range is set to 90-110% of estimate). baseline is a vector containing two points describing the edge of the surface the droplet is resting on.
  • fit_ellipse(x,y,axis_handle) was adopted from Ohad Gal. x,y are a set of points in 2 column vectors. axis_handle is an optional handle to an axis, at which the estimated ellipse will be drawn along with it's axes.
  • DropletAnalysis takes a video of a sessile droplet evaporating in place and tracks the shape and size of the droplet.

To install:

git clone


We tracked the evaporation of droplets resting on a flat substrate. DropletAnalysis uses a video recorded at 1 FPS and measures the size and shape in each frame. The results can be saved as a video and csv file.


  1. When DropletAnalysis.m is called, a video can be loaded into a prompt.
    • The user can set analyzed video frames to be shown during the analysis
    • DropletAnalysis uses the elliptical approximation by default.
  2. THe user can select to plot a video of the analysis (e.g. see example)