
Feature Request: Automatic Element Renaming Based on Class Assignment in Oxygen Builder

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Hello Oxygen Builder Team,

I hope this message finds you well! I'm reaching out as a dedicated user of Oxygen Builder with an idea that could possibly enhance our design experience. I've been tinkering with a concept where adding a class to an element in Oxygen's editor would automatically rename the element in the structure panel to match the class name. For instance, if I apply the class "row" to an element, it would be great to see it automatically renamed to "row" in the structure.

This feature could be a real game-changer, especially for managing larger projects. It would make navigating through the editor's structure more intuitive and efficient, helping both seasoned users and newcomers to Oxygen alike.

Thank you for considering my suggestion. I am genuinely excited about the potential improvements to Oxygen and appreciate the continuous efforts to make it even better.

Warm regards