
Edit with Oxygen results in 404 on private post types

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Selecting Edit with Oxygen for post types with public => false will always return a 404 because these post types don't have public permalinks.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install a plugin that has a private post type. In this example, we'll use ACF
  2. Add a new ACF Field group
  3. Click the "Edit With Oxygen" button for the Field Group
  4. See the Error

Related to #3485

Reported internally via

Until it is solved natively, I've added a javascript (UserJS) to Browser using extension TemperMonkey/GreaseMonkey :

It adds a button fixed positioned at bottom right corner of screen, saying Check ! Page, (set checked everything except PAGE)

TemparMonkey UserJS :

@Kpudlo Any progress?