
Additional classes in Gutenberg not being applied

Opened this issue · 4 comments

If I create Gutenberg blocks in Oxygen and then apply classes to them in the Advanced > Additional CSS Classes section of the wordpress editor, these classes are not applied when the page is rendered

You can see this at this sandbox - I applied a class of 'applied-test-class' to my gutenberg block but it's not showing on the front end inspector.

This is really holding me back as I want my client to be able to select simple things like background colour and that be applied with a class, but the classes aren't being applied when the page is rendered or in the gutenberg editor window (although they are saved with the post - if I refresh the editor my class name is still in the CSS input field).

Any update on this? It would be an easy way to make gutenberg blocks more flexible, currently they're quite rigid in what flexibility I can offer my end users.

"Between regular business hours on Monday and Friday, you can usually expect a reply in 48 hours or less"

This is a valid bug and yet you haven't replied in over two weeks?

"Between regular business hours on Monday and Friday, you can usually expect a reply in 48 hours or less"

This is from our support page, where you can submit support tickets. It does not apply to GitHub issues.

Ok I do need support with it but it seems to be a bug? I need to get it working so I can offer some simple customisations to gutenberg blocks built in oxygen. If I raise it again through support will you help me to get it working?