Naming of contributions
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rlaemmel commented
We have these contributions:
- EMF ― Basic EMF usecase
- Haskell ― Use of quasi-quotation and Template Haskell
- javaExternal ― External DSL style with ANTLR and Java
- javaFluentInternal ― Internal DSL style with Java with a fluent API
- javaInfluentInternal ― Internal DSL style with Java and an influent API
- pythonExternal ― External DSL style with ANTLR and Python
- pythonInternal ― Internal DSL style with Python
- Scala ― Scala-based implementation with macros
- Xtext ― XText with generated EMF model
Among these, I think that the following names are too generic:
- Haskell
- Scala
- Xtext
Please draw inspiration from the other names to assign a better names.