
XPATH configuration as a string issue

timramseyjr opened this issue · 2 comments

In the documentation it says an XPATH configuration can be created as a string:

    'name' => 'title',
    'type' => 'Item-definition-1',
    'xpaths' => '//*[@id=title]',

and "The xpaths field could contain a string or an array of strings"

However if you try add a string you get a Invalid argument supplied for foreach from line 38 of softonic/laravel-intelligent-scraper/src/Scraper/Application/XpathFinder.php that expects an array.

You are right. That feature was finally not implemented.

Do you think it would be useful? Do you want to contribute with a PR to add this feature?

Closed issue due to innactivity. If anyone needs it and/or want to collaborate, you are welcome.