
Rusoto Error Mismatch

jamesh48 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello I'm having an type issue with Rusoto Error handling in the send function, and specifically the map_err and try_for_each calls.

it says that it expects, for example in map_err...
expected signature of fn(rusoto_core::error::RusotoError<dynomite::rusoto_dynamodb::ScanError>) -> _

while it is finding...
found signature of fn(rusoto_core::RusotoError<dynomite::rusoto_dynamodb::ScanError>) -> _

I'm newer to rust, but trying to access rusoto_core::error says that its a private module- maybe this is a versioning problem? I'm also using the lambda_runtime package (^0.5.1) instead of the lambda package in your cargo.toml, but I don't see how this would affect the particular issue i'm having- I believe this is the only dependency I changed. I have the connection lambda working this way. I really appreciate that you are handling for errors here, and would appreciate a resolution if you could help me out.